Call for artwork for the Arts Council of Ladysmith Student Art Show
The Student Art show is a fun and exciting exhibition that is open to all students working in any art form to showcase their work in a gallery setting. For this year’s exhibition, artwork will be shown on our website through our online gallery which will be open for the public to view. This is a great opportunity for emerging artists to:
-have their work shown with a local art gallery
-learn about submitting artwork
-have their artwork for sale
-build their portfolio
-gain confidence as an artist
This is open to all students of the arts. Whether you are taking an art class in school/university, home school art classes, or art classes outside of school in your community.
To Submit:
Students are eligible to submit up to three pieces of their own original work through the following page: https://www.ladysmitharts.ca/online-gallery-submission. You can begin submitting your work any time now, and the deadline is March 30, 2020.
If a student would like to sell their artwork in the student show, they can add a price in the submission form, and they would receive 100% of the profits for any work that they sell. If they do not want their items sold, they can simply put "NFS" (not for sale) in the price cell.
In the membership number cell, they can just put their initials.
Please note: the membership fee has been waived for this exhibition.
If you are an arts educator, parent or student and you would like more information, please contact our education coordinator Shannon: education@ladysmitharts.ca