Ladysmith Gallery Boutique Application Instructions
Already applied and been approved?
email Kathy at to schedule a date to drop-off your work.
New Applications will be reviewed continuously.
Ladysmith Gallery invites you to submit your small works of art for jurying to our boutique. We welcome a diverse range of mediums, including sculpture, ceramics, jewelry, textiles, and more. We encourage artists to submit a variety of art pieces, with a wide range of price points, between $5 - $300, excluding jewelry.
Applications will take approximately 2 weeks to process.
Thank you. Please carefully read the following instructions on how to submit your artwork. Gallery submissions are reserved for current ACLD members only. If you want to become a member click here.
Ladysmith Gallery Boutique Application Terms & Conditions
last updated on April 7, 2024
Ladysmith Gallery
32 High Street, Ladysmith
Email with any questions.
Application Process
Applications must be submitted online with the form below. This is what you will need:
a description of the artwork that explains the art
the medium. The submitted
Clear pictures that give a good representation of size, material, and art.
If you would like to come into the gallery to use our light box for professional looking photos, please email to set up an appointment. Make sure you have all your items ready to be photographed before you arrive at the gallery.
Applications will be accepted year round but reviewed by the boutique committee. All applicants will be contacted with information about the next steps. If you have not heard from us in 5 business days please contact us.
We would like to be your exclusive vendor within Ladysmith.. If you sell your work in other galleries or stores in the local area, please let us know in the application form below. We would love to discuss with you about maybe starting a exclusive signature line for our gallery?
The Artwork
Originality: Your artwork must be entirely your own creation, without any direct copying of others' original or printed work. If using photographs as references, they should either be taken by you or provided by an amateur photographer with their clear consent. Stock images can only be used for anatomical study, and they should play a minor role in your overall artwork.
Respect for Indigenous Art: Art inspired by cultural motifs or designs can only be submitted by individuals who are part of the represented culture. We honor the rights of Indigenous peoples to own and govern their heritage and art.
Availability for Sale: All submitted artworks must be available for purchase.
No Scented Products: Due to canvas sensitivity, we cannot accept any scented products.
Display Requirements: Artworks should either be freestanding or include an appropriate stand or hanging mechanism.
Size Limit: Miniature original art, whether on gallery-wrapped canvas (1.5 inches thick) or framed, should be capable of standing upright without additional support and should not exceed H 6 inches x W 6 inches, including any frames. If your art is not on a canvas, there is no size limit however it may or may not be accepted due to size at the discretion of the Boutique committee. A general guideline is that it must fit onto the shelves in the Ladysmith Gallery Boutique and must leave room for other artists.
Material Standards: We only accept items with artistic aesthetics. Items made from unmodified pre-purchased or salvaged materials, which lack significant transformation, will not be accepted.
Quantity Notification: Artists will be informed of the allowed quantity of submissions due to space limitations.
Intake and Installation Process
The gallery is managed by a combination of staff and volunteers who maintain inventory, promote exhibitions, display work, process sales, and maintain financial records and activities. Exhibitors will respect the decisions made by staff and volunteers.
Inventory Sheet: Artists need to fill out an inventory sheet for each item they are bringing in.
Works must arrive at the gallery ready for installation. Please see our resources above for getting work ready for exhibitions. If it does not fit the gallery ready criteria at drop off time, the artist will be notified and will be asked to take the artwork with them.
Labeling: Please label your small artwork with your membership number, name, and price before dropping off. An inventory number will be added to the label, so please leave room.
Most intakes of work will be on Sundays. You will be contacted for an appointment
Artwork Pickup
Please pick up your work on the outtake day.
If you cannot do so please arrange an alternate date. If we are unable to contact you after a week, the work will be put in gallery storage or brought to our ACLD office, and all ACLD responsibility to the artist, as to the contents, number and condition of the items will cease.
Any remaining work after a second pick up reminder will become the property of the gallery after 90 days. Costs associated with delivery and pick up are the responsibility of the artisan/artist.
Works will be reviewed every 3 months for necessary outtakes.
Sales, Commission and Taxes
The ACLD will retain a commission on all sales. The commission structure is 30% ACLD /70% Artist.
Sales will include any applicable taxes the ACLD is required to remit. Any other taxes will be the responsibility of the artist.
The gallery does not provide exchanges or refunds to customers for the sale of artwork.
Please let us know if you are interested in taking part in seasonals discounts. ( for example Christmas)
Artist Payment for Sales
Payouts for sales are made at the end of each month. We will be doing all payments by direct deposit into your account, to facilitate this please furnish us with a void cheque.
Insurance and Liability
Artists exhibiting their work at the ACLD gallery do so at their own risk. While the ACLD does use a building security system, works are not insured under the ACLD. It is strongly advised that artists carry their own insurance.
The ACLD gallery makes every effort to ensure that theft and damages do not occur. However, should any loss or damage occur, the artist/artisan understands and accepts the full risk of loss or damage to articles placed on consignment. Damaged items will be returned to the artisan.
Income Documentation and Requirements
The Arts Council of Ladysmith and District is required by the Government to issue T4A slips for all sales payouts to artists if the yearly total is $500 or greater. Social Insurance Numbers must be provided by artists if a T4A is required to be issued.